Rüdiger Lutz:

Context makes meaning - the hyperbole of understanding text

Designers draw textes of coming attractions, relevant to people, things and environments. The "grand design" is still evolving and is permanently reframing the general structure and system. New attractors can be assimilated or rejected by the overall System. Or they bring innovations into the existent flow of dynamic patternrecognition and produce a new texture and paradigmatic challenge to reason (W.Churchman). The systems response is always redundant and needs many roadsigns and markers to spot the valuable serendipities on the bumpy trail in this invisible landscape, called future. Contextual thinking is not necessarily intuitive, because intuition depends on the former context, which may be obsolete, anachronistic or simply too dangerous to take. Take as example the innovative and intuitve user-interface of Apple-Computers and their followers. To make things easier the screen is filled with objects, we know from the older familiar environment of a typical office: There is a trash-can, a pencil, a rubber, scissors, pages etc., all these things are not real, they only tell you the function of the mouseclick at this position, so you simulate the object as symbol for its pragmatic application - but it's all semantic and not real-life action. That is why we talk about the obvious shift from material, industrial work to system-manipulation and information production and recycling as predominant occupation in our postindustrial era. Information-management is the name of the game.
However, as longer as we get "socialized" to this new way of interaction with reality, we will change the (inter)face of this environment, we design another world we live in and with. As evolution goes from biogenetical development to memetic autopoiesis our world(view) extends from local to global perspective, and from individualistic egoism to collective planetarism. That's not a drawback to fascist socialism, but the transcendent empowerment of the restricted self to an emergence of a conscious being as part of the whole, gaian ensemble on earth.



- This page is part of "Annettes Philosophenstübchen" 2005/06 - http://www.thur.de/philo/gast/ruediger/lutz20.htm -