About me

My name is Tanja Schlemm. I was born in august 1987 and I live in Jena, Germany. I am studying mathematics and physics at King's College London. Before, I attended a Special School for Science and Mathematics as did my best friend Anke.
Don't like:
Cats. Snow. Silence. Coniferous forest. Being naked. Dreaming. Night. Sea. Freedom. Christmas. Poetry. Cosmology. Sun. Spring. Hot chocolate. Echidnas. Long hair. Women. Star trek. Doing what I want to do. Music. Ice skating. Understanding things. Writing with fountain pen. Ice cream with hot fruit. Smell of old books. Birch trees in the wind. Sparrows. Waves approaching the shore. Being queer. Stationary. Finding a hiding place in Ada's hood. Lady Macbeth. Long, wide skirts. Writing letters by hand. The questions Why? and What? Climbing onto apple trees. Mist that makes the world seem smaller. Rainy days and nights. Untamed tears.
Ruled paper. Noisy people. Misery. Exploitation. Capitalism. Prisons. Psychiatries. Global Warming. Roast pork. People who disdain other people. Having to earn money. Calculating limits. Technology on strike. Exaggerated cleanness. Tweaking hairbrushes. Cat’s hair on dark t-shirts. Police helicopters. Thuringian Bratwurst outside of Thuringia. Virtual good night kisses. Prisons pretending to be paradise. Climate destroyers greenifying themselves. Day of the German reunification. Swastikas. Books that explain what men and what women are like.

These are some photos of me:

Me at about eight years

And that's me in summer 2006 at a garden exhibition in Erfurt

With my mum in front of Big Ben (March 2007)

Iceskating (December 2006)

Writing in Green Park (September 2006)

On my favourite oak tree in London (September 2007)

You can reach me via E-Mail (contact@tanja-schlemm.de) or via "snail-mail" (Tanja Schlemm, Saalbahnhofstr. 6, 07743 Jena, Germany).

Have fun exploring my Homepage!
Tanja Schlemm
