# [make-thumbs.pl] 2002-03-14  René Scholz <Voland@Jena.Thur.de>
# Time-stamp: <2002-03-15  21:19:35, rscholz@jpiros.rnd.j.intershop.de>
# Usage: - creates thumbnail pics with convert (ImageMagick), if file is group-readable
#        - creates a html file with a <DIV> area for the thumbnail pics
#          which can be included in html pages via SSI with:
#               <!--#include file="include.thumbs"-->
#        - different image types can be used
#        - the images are sorted alphabetically

($NAME=$0) =~ s|.*/||;  # get basename from $0

use Getopt::Std;

use vars qw($NAME $USAGE $opt_n $opt_h $opt_x $opt_y $opt_e $opt_o $opt_s $opt_t $opt_f
            $opt_c $opt_r $pic $picext $miniext @PICFILES %TYPES $GEOMETRY $OUTPUT $OUTFILE
	    $i $alt $height $width $colors $img $groupreadble $minspace $vspace $hspace

use strict;


Usage: $NAME [options]

   -h                Show this help.
   -n pics           How many thumbs in each row
   -s pixel          minimal horizontal and vertical space (in pixels*2)
   -e ext[,ext,...]  allowed image types (Ex: -e jpg,gif,png)
   -t ext            image type for the thumnail pics (Ex: -t jpg)
                     If -t is not used, the thumnails have the same type
		     as the original image
   -o                Overwrite existing thumbnail files.
   -x                width of thumbnails
   -y                height of thumbnails
             Only one of the options -x or -y should be used
             (Ex: -y 100 so that all thumbnails have the same height)
   -c colors         Number of colors in the thumbnail to use
   -f file           output file name (default: include.thumbs)
   -r regex          Search only matching image file names, ex: -r "Town*"


die $USAGE unless(@ARGV);
die $USAGE if($opt_h);

  { foreach (split(",", $opt_e)) { $TYPES{$_} = 1; } }
  { %TYPES = ( "jpg" => 1 ) };

$minspace = $opt_s ? $opt_s : "5";
$colors   = $opt_c ? "-colors $opt_c" : "";
$vspace   = "vspace=\"$minspace\"";
$OUTFILE  = $opt_f ? $opt_f : "include.thumbs";
$OUTPUT   = "<DIV align=\"center\">\n";

if(-f ".geometry-mini")
  $GEOMETRY = `cat .geometry-mini`; chomp($GEOMETRY);
  $GEOMETRY = "x100" if($GEOMETRY eq "");

if   ($opt_x && $opt_y) { $GEOMETRY = $opt_x . "x" . $opt_y . "!"; }
elsif($opt_x)           { $GEOMETRY = $opt_x; }
elsif($opt_y)           { $GEOMETRY = "x" . $opt_y; }

else { $GEOMETRY = "x100"; }

# get files which should be handled:
opendir(CDIR, ".") || die "Cant't open current directory $!\n";
while(defined($pic = readdir CDIR))
    next if ($pic eq '.' || $pic eq '..');
    if( $pic =~ /\.([^\.]+)$/ ) { $picext = $1; } else { $picext = ""; }

       if(!$opt_r || $pic =~ /$opt_r/) { push(@PICFILES, $pic); }

# work on this files:
$maxwidth = 0;
foreach $pic (@PICFILES)
    my ($E);
    $_ = $pic;
    if( /\.([^\.]+)$/ ) { $picext = $1; } else { $picext = ""; }
    $miniext = $opt_t ? $opt_t : $picext;
    next if(/\.mini\.$miniext$/);

    # check if file is group readable (that means, the webserver can read it)
    # if not, do nothing with this file, do not include it in the output.
    $groupreadble = (stat $pic)[2] & 040;
    next unless($groupreadble);

    if(! -f $_ or $opt_o)
      print "executing: convert $colors -geometry '$GEOMETRY' $pic $_\n";
      system "convert $colors -geometry '$GEOMETRY' $pic $_";
    $E=`identify $_`; # print "    -> $E";
    $E=~/ (\d+)x(\d+) /;
    $width = $1; $height = $2;
    $width+=1 if($width % 2 != 0);
    $maxwidth = $width if($maxwidth < $width);

    $MINIWIDTH{$pic}  = $width;
    $MINIHEIGHT{$pic} = $height;
    $MINIEXT{$pic}    = $miniext;

$i = $alt = 1;
foreach $pic (sort keys %MINIWIDTH)
    $_ = $pic;
    if( /\.([^\.]+)$/ ) { $picext = $1; } else { $picext = ""; }
    $miniext = $MINIEXT{$pic};

    $width  = $MINIWIDTH{$pic};
    $height = $MINIHEIGHT{$pic};
    $hspace = ($maxwidth - $width) / 2 + $minspace;
    $hspace = "hspace=\"$hspace\"";
    $img    = "ALT=\"$alt\" HEIGHT=\"$height\" WIDTH=\"$width\" BORDER=\"1\" $vspace $hspace";
    $OUTPUT.="    <A HREF=\"$pic\"><IMG src=\"$_\" $img></A>\n";

    if($i++ >= $opt_n) { $OUTPUT.="  <BR clear=\"all\">\n"; $i = 1; }


open  (O, ">$OUTFILE") or die "Can't write to $OUTFILE: $!\n";
print O $OUTPUT;
close (O);