Which Literatur for MZ-Motorcycles?.

Since the MZ's Twocycles are not longer available in produced in Germany,
the whole production line went to Turkey. In Istanbul Kanuni Kombassan
produces these famous motorbikes.
If you are looking for some literature about the MZ's you may find it sometimes
some of these books.
Most of these books will show how to repair and some information about

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These books were published in the GDR between 1970 and 1990. They present information about maintainance
accessories, hints, tips and a lot more. They were first selection for everybody, who don't know how to repair, but who want to
maintain their bikes only.

Since the books before are not longer available, there is a Reprint available, that contains 3 books.
The Reprint doesn't contain the Electric-Circuit-Prints, which might be a problem.
This Reprint is by Schrader-Verlag and can be ordered.

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The series of "Wie helfe ich mir selbst" ("How to do it yourself?") was available for any vehicle, that
could be seen on eastgerman roads. The MZ's were included. This Series is canceled by Verlag Technik
but today it's continued by Wenz-Verlag (http://www.welz.de). The newest edition could be ordered there.

For our 'non-german' Haynes Publishing offers an English MZ-Maintanance- and Repair-Manual.
The Manual contains a lot of information about 12V-MZ's. The price is about 20US$ and you'll find more information about it at http://www.haynes.com.

Of course there must be more literature. If You have something, please Email me that I can include it to this page!

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